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Students are currently facing some of the biggest challenges any of us have ever seen, and could benefit GREATLY from extra, one on one, help. That is, IF their family can afford it. 


Far too many students aren't able to receive the help they need. You can help close that gap.

With a one time purchase below, you can be a student's hero by purchasing their tutoring sessions for an entire month, 3 months, or 6 months! After your purchase, we'll match a student from our wait list with one of our amazing tutors!

Sponsor a student.jpg

Team up with neighbors, or your company, or your favorite Starbucks barista and sponsor a student together. 

Sponsor in the name of your personal business, and receive social media shout outs!

We can do this!!!

Do you have a student in need of a sponsor?
Please complete the form, and you will be notified (in the order requests are received)
when new sponsorships arrive.
Tax ID: 83-0708954 
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