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Pods / Small Groups
Distant Learning Help

$75/day per student
Distant Learning has brought up different challenges for many families and students. In order to help alleviate some of these challenges and stresses, we're helping parents around the community by creating small groups of students (3-4) in similar grades, and sending our experienced tutors to whichever home they choose to meet in, to help the small group of students understand the concepts and complete their assignments from their teacher that day or week. These sessions can meet between 1-5x a week, from 8:15am - 1:45pm.
Your student can be on LEVS, or at school two days a week and have asynchronous learning the other 2-3 days, or even homeschooled!
If you currently have a group and would like to create a schedule for one of our tutors to come assist your group... OR.... would like us to help your student find a group nearby... please email us so we can send you a registration form.
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